
Our paper on HOPE project inside the Proceedings of the International Conference “Inclusive Living.

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Our paper on HOPE project titled “Urban Regeneration and Social Inclusion: Healthcare Center and Co-housing in Empoli” inside the Proceedings of the International Conference “Inclusive Living. Design for an autonomous and independent living” place on 6th December 2019 at University of Udine.

The initiative, promoted by the Environmental Accessibility Cluster of the Italian Society of Architectural Technology (SITdA), has allowed to professionals and third-sector actors to discuss on research experiences and projects at different scales focus on the topics of accessibility, health, well-being and safety in living places.


Urban LIFE S.r.l.

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Urban LIFE | Urban Liveability & Innovation For Everyone official company foundation.
Urban LIFE is an innovative startup and an academic spin-off approved by University of Florence based in the Florentine University Incubator (IUF).

Urban LIFE: spin-off of the University of Florence

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Urban LIFE obtained the acknowledgement as spin-off of the University of Florence.